In the digitised society we all live in whether we like it or not we are beleaguered with content. We can’t move online for the infinite masses of the stuff forcing itself in front of our eyes. We devour copy every second either consciously or less so. This means that we should all become a little savvier as to how to utilise it for ourselves. This is less a guide for professional companies and more a few handy tips for anyone looking to make an impact with words online. Creating content is for the masses. If you’re a wordsmith & want to create content Or if you are a content writer, market yourself today for Free on The Job Auction by creating a profile, you can become visible by setting it to ‘public’ once you’ve done so…Get paid to do what you love!
The sites whose brand is synonymous with formality don’t need to be reading this. Establishing a brand voice requires a degree of modernity and a more affable voice is likely to let potential consumers warm to you. Informality is by no means a law in terms of writing copy but it does allow for flexibility in terms of subject matter and opinion. The language should be lucid and relate-able, coming across as too stern can be off putting. Even when discussing somber realities, using plain English is best.
The title of this piece is a play on words. Not a clever one I’ll concede but it’s still reasonably fun. Puns have a bad reputation and like sarcasm are considered pretty low brow in terms of genuine wit. (Happy UK Pun Day by the way.) Leave what is considered to be legitimately acerbic to the experts and have a bit of fun with a pun. Or rhyming? Anything that catches the eye in a flashy and warm way, it’s not a joke that’s going to have you in stitches but it’ll upturn the corners of the mouth enough to warrant a little click.
Length is not something I’ll touch on here because frankly you can have content of any length and make it exciting and easily readable however with any good piece of content there has to be some structure. For example with this piece rarely is each paragraph more than a line or two longer or shorter than one another. It has symmetry, even before the reader has begun reading. The trick is to make the process of reading seem easy and inviting.
Writing about the features of something is all well and good and it’s important to be informed before you are opinionated however, spin is what makes something engrossing. Too overt an agenda can be off-putting as well so it’s a balancing act to ensure that you are telling people how they will benefit, or not, from whatever topic it is you’re discussing. Admittedly it’s tough to avoid spoon feeding as people need to draw their own conclusions, however its more interesting if you draw conclusions too.