Finding things to do to occupy yourself during your time on earth can seem difficult at times, can’t it? If you are having trouble fitting all the little bits in you may want to try a career. A ‘career’ by definition is a dedication of at least a decade of your life to a craft. Figure out what you’re good at, what you like and run with it.
The answer to this article is simple. There isn’t one. You cannot by any means judge your life by another person’s standards. The more you compare yourself the worse you’ll feel. What is important is to decide what you’re passionate about and follow this. You will intuitively know what’s right for you.
When contemplating time frames, consider training for your profession and the length of time this takes also. Medicine, for example, an academic subject (considered perhaps a strenuous profession), training alone is seven years mandatory.
The story of the tortoise and the hare implied that being a tortoise is better. Taking your time with something seems like a better option to have a fuller understanding of where you’re going and formulate a plan on how to get there. This isn’t strictly true, it’s different for everyone. It depends on what career you want to pursue. Want to be a comedian, get stuck in, because no amount of analysis will help you when you’re on that stage. Some careers require more doing than thinking.
Also, never be afraid to change career. A lot of people suffer from tunnel vision and can feel locked-in to their choices. Like a person with a fear of flying or jitters before riding a rollercoaster, cold feet are common and the knowledge that this doesn’t have to be forever can help relax you.
It isn’t something you need to have figured out and a change of direction can come at any point in your life. Certain careers have shelf-lives anyway such as those in sports. Your body will only stay young and spry for so long. You might want to remain in the sports industry with a new take and start a career in punditry or embark on a managerial role within football. However, a change in career can be a hard departure from what you’re used to do. There is likely more than one string to your bow so trying something new is a good way to enhance skills that are already there.
Furthermore, if you’re feeling freer than the average person, don’t dedicate your life to a career at all. If you have very few responsibilities and are a firm believer that variety is the spice of life then consider sampling different career options, earning money by doing whatever comes along. The Job Auction exactly facilitates that. List your skills or bid on tasks listed by others and make cash any way you can! There isn’t a set way you’re supposed to live your life. If you’ve got Skills To Pay The Bills to net those jobs and bring home the bacon- go get ’em!
[…] go, some of us not so much. Others don’t even know where they want to go in the first place. Finding your passion is of course the first step, after this you can carve out your future within a job role and your […]