Doing your homework is a habit you should get into very early as any teacher worth their salt will tell you. This is how you learn something before it becomes an issue and so when you are in a situation you feel is alien to you, you can fall back into the helpful advice that you have drilled into yourself.
Applying for work is no different. Ensuring you temper your expectations and know the sector you are applying to well is the chief ingredient to the recipe for success. For example, if you are applying for a job within the visual arts it’s better to have an eye-catching CV littered with pictures and infographics to demonstrate you have a natural aptitude for the tasks you will likely be set.
A perfect example of this kind of research is into sectoral trends. These show you which industries are booming and which ones are tanking, so to speak. Sales, Admin, Computing and Transport. These are the top four in most countries in the west and more specifically the USA.
They are industries that need the most workers and therefore if someone applies to work within them there is likely to be less competition for each space available making it more probable that you will be the person who bags the job. Keep this in mind when you face a period of unemployment.
It can be difficult to look past your aspirations and desires or even your skill set. You may believe that you are not suited to a role in any of these industries and it will put you on a road that you have no interest in heading down. Never fear though as there are opportunities for progression anywhere and many skills are transferable.
All roads lead to Rome in some sense and some money in your pocket is the main thing you should be focusing on. Working in administration is a good foot into any industry because these workers are needed absolutely everywhere and fit seamlessly into the fabric on the office, whatever the company do.
Computing’s rise to the top of the pack industry-wise is no surprise as working with new technology will always require workers. With computers, there is always something new to learn and more and more anything work that doesn’t involve a computer of some kind is dying out. Computing is so broad and the numbers of programmes you can be trained on that perform a whole myriad of tasks is growing by the day.
We ran a piece recently on selling your possessions as a way to get some money during a period of unemployment. The art of selling is a talent that can be honed in a sales team. Sales is a role where there is always room for improvement and many roles offer commission as a bonus so if you’re good you can earn double your actual wages in a year.
For all of your job search/listing needs: The Job Auction is here to help.